Behaviour Hubs

Support, training and advice for schools and MATs who want to improve their behaviour culture.

What are Behaviour Hubs

A one-year programme funded by the Department for Education (DfE) that provides support, training and advice for schools and MATs who want to improve their behaviour culture.

The role of a Lead School

With the assistance of the Hub, Lead Schools support pre-selected Partner Schools through this journey. Schools join the programme on one of two streams:

Core Support

Partner Schools receiving Core Support are those that want to work more independently.

Extended Support

Schools receiving Extended Support will value more in-depth one-to-one support from lead schools.

Lead School Activities

Each year, Lead Schools support two schools on the Extended Support stream and three schools on the Core Support stream. Lead Schools are responsible for supporting their Partner schools in a range of ways tailored to each school’s individual needs, with the overall aim to enable real change.

Lead Schools:

  • Visit schools to support with the diagnosis of key issues
  • Support the writing and reviewing of action plans
  • Visit and meet school leaders regularly to determine next steps
  • Support new policies and deliver whole school implementation training
  • Run Open Days to enable Partner Schools to observe best practice
  • Facilitate termly networking events both for Partner Schools and Lead Schools  
  • Support partner schools one-to-one and through online forums.

This approach is embedded and aligned with Education Endowment Fund (EEF) guidance.

What next?

Further information about the Behaviour Hub programme can be found on the DFE website.

Want to speak to us about Behaviour Hubs? Speak to our programme director, Emily Crow

Get in touch
“Our values support and drive our commitment to positive behaviour – we believe in teaching children how to manage their own behaviour and respond appropriately to the behaviour of others. Our staff structure provides focused leadership of behaviour and capacity to lead.”

Michael Eggleton,
Head of School, Charles Dickens Primary School