Teacher Trainees can come from a number of different routes and sources, each with their own particular benefits to the schools that host them.
We are working with 2 ITT providers:
Roehampton (Primary and Secondary)
Inspiring Future Teachers (Primary SCITT)
We have a track record for recruiting trainees of a high calibre, these trainees frequently go on to be employed by our local placement schools. By hosting a trainee in your school it enables you to tailor the training they receive so that it prepares them for continued employment if they chose to remain with you into their ECT years and beyond.
Host schools will be paid £1000 for taking a trainees, schools can then also apply for additional funding from the DFE to support the mentor training
Mentors will be expected to attend 20 hours of mentor training as per the new ITT framework. Further detail can be found in the DfE’s ITT reform funding guidance.
DfE guidance on hosting a trainee can be found here.
For further information on the DfE’s ITT Reforms, please see the information pack sent to schools here.