Teach First

Teach First is a school-based teacher training route, supported by an initial five-week summer training period. From September, trainees take on their own classes.

Earn a competitive salary from day one

You’ll earn from the outset – no fees, no debt. During their first year of the Training Programme, Teach First trainees will be at point two on the unqualified teacher scale if teaching secondary, and point one if teaching primary/ early years. This will then rise in year two to a minimum of point one on the classroom teacher scale. You’ll also receive corporate coaching worth an estimated £900 and a fully-funded teaching qualification.

Gain internationally recognised qualifications

Completing the programme will earn you a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Leadership (PGDE), worth double the credits of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). 99% of people who qualify as teachers with us achieve the top two grades (good or outstanding). You’ll also have the option of completing a master’s degree part-time over a third year.

Because they’re recognised across the world, your qualifications will allow you to teach abroad, too.

Make a difference in the classroom from day one

As soon as the school year kicks off in September you’ll be in the classroom. Not just observing lessons. Actually teaching them. You’ll be helping pupils from the poorest backgrounds reach their full potential. It’s far from your average day job – expect surprises, challenges and an unmatched sense of fulfilment.

Close support from your school and Teach First

You’ll have a mentor in school you can turn to whenever you need. You'll also have a university tutor to assess your progress. A dedicated Teach First expert will oversee all your training and help with any issues inside or outside the classroom. We’re with you every step of the way.

Join a growing community of graduates and career changers

Join a network of like-minded individuals who understand the potential in all young people, and the challenges that affect their education. At every stage of your career, this community will be on hand to share ideas, offer support or simply have a chat.

Find out more Teach First's program on their website.

Get in touch with London South to explore options.